Here at ConsEast Towers we are already planning the new season voluntary and fund-raising support.

This year we are supporting St. Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich. If you are within reach of the hospice, and have time and skills to help the team deliver this great, supportive work, then the web link below is for you.
Register as a potential volunteer with St Elizabeth Hospice here.
”We started thanks to the foresight and commitment of the local community and medical experts who laid the groundwork to open the hospice.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the then East Suffolk District Health Authority and other groups began discussions about establishing a hospice in east Suffolk. The Health Authority was unfortunately unable to fund the project so an appeal committee was formed.
In 1983, a public fundraising appeal was launched with the aim of raising £1 million”. Source: St Elizabeth web pages.
The rest, as they say is history. But you still have a chance to take part in this important service, and work with great people at St. Elizabeth Hospice as a volunteer.

Help make the next thirty years count, just as much, by visiting the Hospice team here.
Click the donate button here, and give money today.
The conversationsEAST team, and SmithMartin LLP are proud to support the energy, effort and compassion of St. Elizabeth Hospice.
Write to the Hospice team here – St Elizabeth Hospice, 565 Foxhall Road, Ipswich, IP3 8LX