The Conference:
As the conference season gets under way, here is a key date for your Fellowship diary. Our Eastern regional conference is taking place athe UCS Waterside Building in Ipswich in Suffolk.
You can see the conference details and book your place on the Society’s usual Eventbrite pages here.
See more conference detail here.
Location: Waterfront building, University College Suffolk, Neptune Quay, Ipswich IP4 1QJ
The Market Place:

The Market Place forges connections among the regional Fellowship and has become a lively feature of the annual conference.
Visit the dedicated Market Place web pages here.
If you are interested in having a stall/conversation point at conference please make contact with the Market Place team here..
helpmarket (at) conversationseast.org
Stalls are set up for a variety of projects which fit well with the RSA mission. They may be community based or extend across the region but the common feature is that they are a great way to connect face-to-face with Fellows and others who are engaged with the Fellowship in pursuit of their social change and support aims.
Stallholders invariably have a passion for their project and are looking forward to showing how they are empowering people to apply their creativity to emerging opportunities and challenges.
The principal Market Place activity will be in the main Foyer (where lunch is also available) from 12.30 until 2.00, but conversations will be taking place with exhibitors all day we are sure.
So either avoid the initial queue for lunch or grab your lunch-bag and graze the stalls.
You’ll find plenty of highly nutritional ideas and stimuli in The Market Place.
See you there?